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At South Seas, 
we believe crafting a remarkable single malt whisky
calls for a special ingredient.

 Patience. A whole lot of it.

Which is why, we transcend the hurried pace
of the modern world to patiently produce a
remarkable single malt whisky among the finest
the world has to offer. 

Across four generations, 
the family has embraced the virtue
of patience with the deep seeded
understanding that true greatness
could never be rushed. 

Our single malt whiskies lie
for years interacting with the wood of the casks, 
until they achieve a balance
which is nothing short of perfection.

We continue to use the original copper pot stills 
we installed, to this day.

We are sticklers for detail 
and we hold back a whisky until 
it’s ‘just right’, even if it means
waiting for decades, should need be, 
including our packaging.

Simply because we know 
that the one thing which makes a long, 
tiring journey worthwhile is
the warm feeling of coming home. 

After crafting spirits which speak our story, 
we are home.

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